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Scaring Yourself Silly

This post comes a little late. I know, I know. Halloween is past us, but still wanted to talk about this, because Halloween weekend and Halloween Night for me was less than stellar.

The weekend... well… it was just dull. I was sick, Hubby was sick, we hadn’t had any time to get costumes together or decorations out (mostly because they are in a big box too heavy for me to carry in the shed, and Hubby had hurt his knee a couple of weeks ago and still recovering). Thus I looked forward to Halloween Night, with all the little trick-or-treaters.

All 5 of them.

That was it, only 5. And they were adorable, but I was really hoping for more. At the end of it, I was left with a 115 chocolate bars (now spread between home, work, and school office). Bored and disappointed, I sat down, worked on a school presentation, and threw on Leprechaun.

What a great decision! Intended to be scary, this movie is actually quite funny. The leprechaun himself is quite hideous, but his antics of getting his gold back, and those of the people trying to escape him, are hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now I had made previous plans with a friend to go see Paranormal Activity 3 on Tuesday. By the time Tuesday night came along, I was feeling brave. Watching Leprechaun had some kind of… emboldening effect on me, though I can’t quite figure out why. We proudly trotted into the cinema, bought our snacks and tickets, and waited for the show.

Now, I don’t normally like paranormal movies. But for some reason, the PA movies have really hooked me. I had re-watched the first 2, and was expecting quite a bit from the 3rd. I won’t spoil it for those that haven’t seen it, but suffice to say, I left with more questions than those I had answered, and I kinda hope they come out with a 4th.

However, it was just as jumpy and suspenseful as I had expected. There is a lot more activity in this one, and they set you up to expect the jump. The best part though, is that they fake you out so that when you do expect it, nothing happens. Or what does happen is from the demon. And then something does happen from the demon and you get a bigger jump.

As soon as I came home from the movie, I started getting what I call “the heebie jeebies”. I made the dog stay with me as a walked around the house and booted to the bed once the last light was off. As I dashed into bed and curled under the covers, I could hear Hubby chuckling at me. Still, it didn’t keep him from snuggling me to keep me from scaring myself too silly with my overactive imagination.

I did really enjoy the movie, even though I spent a good deal of it hiding behind my coat. And it might be a little while before the heebie jeebies finally pass. At least I didn’t let out little yelps of fright every time. Can’t say the same for my friend!

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On the (B)Right Side


It's a pretty important age. By now, it seems, most people have finished a degree, have gotten married, have had kids (or are starting to have them), have a house. Now people seem to have traveled more, seen more, done more, learned more, earned more, all before or just as they hit 25. Then you're supposed to be grown up.

At 27, I spent a considerable time feeling I was on the wrong side of 25. I finished my degree late (I worked my way through university) during which I contemplated switching majors at least 4 times , got married at 25 and convocated the same year. I have been to Dominican (twice) and Cancun (for the Honeymoon). No kids, no big job to go to, and my house is a starter home, whereas (it seems) kids on the other side of 25 are getting those wonderful homes we had wanted to buy.

It took some time for me to get past this feeling that I had wasted a lot of time. I'm still working on, to be truthful.

Yet lately I've been thinking... this side of 25 isn't so bad. I've done a lot already. I'm back in school for my 2nd degree. I'm still learning who I am, and who I'll become. Who says I need to figure out everything in the span of 5-7 short years? I had my plans, my goals, and I acheived them.

There's a benefit to not having everything established before 25. I don't have to be fully "grown up" yet. I have lots of wiggle room for mistakes, and always will. I can learn from them, and continue.

On this side of 25, I still have so many goals... and not necessairly in any order, and this doesn't include everything!:

Perhaps there are kids in the future (an ever growing concern of mine, one of those things I'm still working through, probably discussed in a later post)

..to learn guitar

..to write, and be a better writer (real big goal: novel maybe?? :D)

..to produce a piece of visual art that I can look at and say I love it, and I'm proud of it.

..to have that comfortable job and beautiful house someday.

I want to be healthier, and happier (though I am a pretty happy person overall)

I want to enjoy every day of my marriage

to enjoy every day of life PERIOD.

There are lot of things going on, so many adventures, and so so much to look forward to..

On the (b)right side of 25.

(notes shameless blogname plug)

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