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Be Fit and Have Fun!

Enough of that from yesterday! Today is a day to talk about something I'm doing with that inspiration I found. Last week I started the a workout/healthy eating program. There's 3 days of cardio, 2 of strength training, one day of the two blended and a rest day. I'm also starting to bike to work on occaision, and hoping to start running in a running club.

It's tough sticking to it, and after that first week, I'm sore and desparately missing my favorite foods (I've been dreaming about homemade Mac 'n Cheese..... *drool*). To keep me on track, I took down my measurements on the first day, with the intent of recording it every week, on my rest day. I hmmd and hahhhd about posting it. In the end, I thought it would be a good way of keeping mysefl accountable (and another step in addressing those concerns from prior posts). Here's the score from last Sunday:

Bust: 37.75
Waist: 31.5
Hips: 41
Right Leg: 24.5
Left Leg: 24.5
Right Arm: 12.5
Left Arm: 12.7

Weight: Est. 148 lbs. (I forgot to actually weigh myself, so I estimated :S )

7 days later, after sweat and pain and effort, along with some much needed diet changes (it really isn't healthy to have a diet that consists of 50% carbs 15% Tea.... and yes, I think tea should be considered a food group. It is a delicious cure-all) and there HAVE been changes!! As of this Sunday:

B: 37.5     
W: 30.5              
H: 40                  
RL: 24                
LL: 24.2             
RA: 12.9            
LL: 12.6             

Weight: 148.2

So, in total: 3.05 inches lost in a week! Weight wise... a bit more discouraging, but I'm not going to get down about it. Either I underestimated the weight in the beginning, or I gained some muscle.

I'm pretty pumped so far. In order to keep myself motivated, I bought myself a new swimsuit as something to look forward to (while also thinking that since I paid money for this, I better stick to it! :D)

I'm so excited about this. I am going to get fit and be healthy, which will also result in looking better and feeling better about my shape. I want to be able to run the Tely Ten ( a local marathon) and, having tried it while away, I'd like to get back into rock-climbing. And I will. :) 

So happy to be off to a good start!


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